luni, 14 noiembrie 2011


                    THE PAST TENSE SIMPLE

Exprima o actiune inceputa si incheiata in trecut.
Se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune petrecuta in trecut,  atunci cand
se precizeaza momentul petrecerii ei.

Afirmativ  (Se formeaza cu forma a –II-a a verbului de conjugat.)

He wrote a good project last year.
I saw you in the street yesterday.
We spoke to the manager one hour ago.
Tom was born on the 2nd of June 1981.
She arrived at the office 30 minutes ago.
The children played a new game last Saturday.

Interogativ  ( DID+subiect+ verb de conjugat la forma I)

Did he write a good project last year?
Did she come late to school yesterday?
Did you speak to him the day before yesterday?
Did they start a new project?


Negativ ( Subiect + DID NOT sau DIDN’T +  verb de conjugat la forma I)

He did not ( didn’t) write a good project last year.
I didn’t see you in the street yesterday.
They didn’t go to the cinema.
She didn’t come to the office last week.
We didn’t play tennis.

Nota :

Toate verbele in limba engleza au 3 forme ( Present, Past - Trecut si Past Participle-Participiul Trecut ).
La verbele regulate, forma a doua, adica Past si a treia, adica Past Participle, se formeaza adaugand terminatia –ed la sfarsitul verbului.

Exemplu : to stay-stayed-stayed
                 To play-played-played
                 To ask-asked-asked
                 To walk-walked-walked

To travel-travelled-travelled
To stop-stopped-stopped

Verbele regulate terminate  in CONSOANA+ Y, la forma a doua si a treia transforma Y in I + terminatia « ed »

To marry-married-married
To worry-worried-worried
To try-tried-tried


luni, 31 octombrie 2011


 Animalele fara stapan au nevoie de ajutorul nostru !  Stray animals need our help!


Please choose one option for each question
1. He goes to his guitar lessons....

A . by underground
B . on underground
C . with underground
D . in underground

2. She …….. Supper with us last Friday

A . hadn’t
B . no had
C . didn’t have got
D . didn’t have

3. I’ve lost my passport. I can’t find it .....

A . anywhere.
B . nowhere.
C . everywhere.
D . somewhere.

4. Every year,he goes to the coast for his holidays ....
A . in train
B . on train
C . by train
D . with train


A . Taking train what you are?
B . What train taking are you?
C . Are you what train taking?
D . What train are you taking?


A . What like his brother?
B . How his brother is?
C . How's his brother?
D . What's his brother like?

9. That file belongs to Patricia, give it to

A . it
B . him
C . her
D . them

10. They …….. time for lunch

A . hadn’t
B . didn't have
C . didn’t have got
D . had not


A . Pass the salt to Tom
B . Pass the Tom a salt.
C . Pass the salt at Tom
D . Pass to Tom the salt.

12. He says he's been robbed. He can't find his wallet............

A . not anywhere.
B . nowhere.
C . anywhere.
D . somewhere.

13. I haven’t got ……

A . no money
B . money
C . any money
D . some money

14. ..... orange juice in the fridge.

A . There isn’t no
B . There is any
C . There isn’t any
D . There aren’t no


A . Where playing Manchester United?
B . Where is playing Manchester United?
C . Where is Manchester United playing?
D . Where playing is Manchester United?

16. I have class ……

A . on Mondays
B . in Mondays
C . at Mondays
D . by Mondays

17. He …….. breakfast yesterday

A . hadn’t
B . no had
C . didn’t have got
D . didn’t have

18. I haven’t seen your cousin .....over a year ago.

A . since
B . ______
C . for
D . during

19. The door can’t be broken! he .....

A . is just fixed it.
B . have just fixed it.
C . just fix it.
D . has just fixed it.

20. Micheal ..... in Paris since 1999.

A . lives
B . is living
C . does live
D . has lived

21. If I lived in the mountains, I …….. a dog.

A . will buy
B . have bought
C . would buy
D . would have bought

22. Tom is ..... Elizabeth how to copy it right now.

A . telling
B . saying
C . saying to
D . telling to

23. “..... have you been going out with him?” “Only a few months”

A . How long
B . How long time
C . What time
D . For how long

24. They weren’t happy about the new cat, and frankly, nor .... I.

A . weren’t
B . wasn't
C . were
D . was

25. My mother asked me if I was hungry, But I said that I ……. dinner.

A . had already got
B . had already had
C . have already had
D . already had

26. She can't escape the fire There is ..... time!

A . much few.
B . too much little
C . too little.
D . too few.

27. On a windy morning, I arrived ....Chicago Airport.

A . in
B . on
C . at
D . by

28. We were surprised that there ..... queues outside the cinema

A . were any
B . weren't no
C . were no
D . were not

29. That can't be Albert! I.............

A . have just seen him
B . am just seen him.
C . just see him.
D . am just seen him.

30. You live upstairs from me,..........

A . do you?
B . are you?
C . don't you?
D . didn’t you?

31. There ..... spectators at the match.

A . were no
B . weren't no
C . were any
D . were not

32. The kitchen can’t be dirty he .....

A . is just clean it.
B . have just cleaned it.
C . just clean it.
D . has just cleaned it.

33. He’s looking forward ..... that film.

A . to see
B . seeing
C . see
D . to seeing

34. Simon ..... in Madrid since 1982.

A . lives
B . is living
C . does live
D . has lived

35. That's the boy ..... I met at the party!

A . whom
B . _____
C . what
D . who

36. ..... is it from Dublin to Barcelona?

A . How far
B . How long
C . How much distance
D . How many

37. If you are in Madrid, you can come and visit me ..... you like.

A . whenever
B . soon
C . always
D . whatever

38. I wouldn’t mind .....the baby tonight.

A . to look after
B . look after
C . looking after
D . to looking after

39. The good looking man ..... by the door is my boyfriend.

A . whose
B . standing
C . is standing
D . stands
. “That’s very kind of you!”

40. "Those shopping bags look really heavy. ......carry one for you?''

A . Will I
B . Do I have
C . Shall I
D . Do I

41. Don’t forget ..... the rubbish.

A . to put out
B . putting out
C . to putting out
D . put out

42. I thought you .....

A . will going to help me.
B . were going to help me.
C . go to help me.
D . have go to help me.

43. The letter ..... yesterday, but I don't know for sure.

A . may arrive
B . might arrived
C . should arrive
D . may have arrived

44. In the beginning the street was noisy, but now

A . used to
B . used
C . am used to
D . would

45. Sorry I couldn't meet you yesterday, I........collect the kids from school

A . must
B . must to
C . ought to
D . had to

46. The woman.... by the table is his sister, not his mother.

A . whose
B . is standing
C . standing
D . stands

47. That was a horrible thing to say. I think you ........ apologise

A . need
B . have
C . should have
D . ought to

48. ..... is it from Barcelona to Madrid?

A . How far
B . How long
C . How much distance
D . How many

49. She ..... go to the dentist’s yesterday.

A . must
B . had to
C . ought to
D . must to

50. The man ..... in the corner is my boss.

A . whose
B . sitting
C . is sitting
D . sits

51. "Those cases look heavy" “..... carry one for you?” “That’s very nice of you”

A . Will I
B . Do I have
C . Shall I
D . Do I

52. I wouldn't do that if I

A . am
B . have been
C . were
D . would be


A . Ask your mother when will be ready lunch.
B . Ask your mother when will be lunch ready.
C . Ask your mother when lunch will be ready.
D . Ask your mother when will lunch ready be.

54. I wish I ..... a million dollars, I'm tired of being poor.

A . have
B . would have
C . had
D . had had


A . The brown fox quick jumped over the dog lazy.
B . The brown quick fox jumped over the lazy dog.
C . The fox quick and brown jumped over the lazy dog.
D . The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

56. ….that I knew what he was up to.

A . Little did he know
B . Little known
C . Little he knew
D . Little knowing

57. It's a pity you didn't come to the Exhibition. You .... It.

A . would like
B . had liked
C . would have liked
D . will like

58. I think the joke........very funny, because you're laughing a lot.

A . should have been
B . must have been
C . was to be
D . should be

59. By this time tomorrow I ….. my tooth out, and no more pain!.

A . will have
B . will have had
C . are having
D . will had had

60. Not speaking to anyone.... ,but shouldn't we clean the house?

A . especially
B . specially
C . in particular
D . himself

61. Although it was very late, she..... book two tickets to Greece

A . should
B . can
C . was able to
D . would can

62. My mother was expecting me on Friday, but.... I was arriving on Thursday

A . little did she know
B . little known
C . little he knew
D . little knowing

63. Did you really do it ........or did someone help you?

A . by your own
B . on yourself
C . on your own
D . by your ownership

64. If I ..... you, I’d take the risk.

A . am
B . have been
C . were
D . would be

5. I couldn’t mend the PC myself, so I ..... at a shop.

A . had it mended
B . had it mend
C . did it mend
D . had mended


A . That’s a brown, attractive leather coat.
B . That’s a brown leather coat attractive.
C . That’s an attractive leather brown coat.
D . That’s an attractive brown leather coat.

67. I know he didn’t thank you, but he ..... have done so.

A . must
B . may
C . would
D . should

68. They laughed a lot last night. The film ..... very funny.

A . should have been
B . must have been
C . was to be
D . should be

joi, 8 septembrie 2011

miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011



Dragi elevi, azi invatam PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS.


Present continuous form = am/is/are + verb + ing. We use it to show that something is happening NOW.

You can use the short forms.
Present Continuous


Am/Is/Are doing
"What am I doing?"   "I'm standing.
"What is he doing?" To sit   "He's sitting.
"What is she doing?" To walk   "She's walking.
"What is it doing?" To run   "It's running.
"What are they doing?" To play   "They're playing."
"What are we doing?" To surf   "We're surfing the Internet.

luni, 5 septembrie 2011

Recompensa pentru identificarea calului batut si abuzat

marți, 30 august 2011


Dragi prieteni, astazi vom invata Prezentul Simplu din limba engleza, numit PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE              

 Mai jos aveti cateva exemple de utilizare a acestui timp. Verbele subliniate sunt la prezentul simplu.

 To work :        I work from Monday to Friday.

To drive :        John drives a nice car.

To play :         He plays tennis at the week-ends.

To go :            We go to the seaside every summer.

 Cu Present  Tense Simple se exprima o activitate/ actiune petrecuta de obicei, in mod uzual, curent in prezent.


De exemplu :

I often walk in the park.  ( Ma plimb prin parc deseori).

You always work hard.      ( Tu intotdeauna muncesti din greu).

He never buys sweets.     ( El niciodata nu cumpara dulciuri ).

She sometimes skips lunch.  (  Ea uneori sare peste masa de pranz)

Mom usually prepares dinner at 7 o'clock.  ( Mama de obicei prepara cina la ora 7).


 Trebuie sa stim ca, in limba engleza, verbele au 3 forme.


Forma I ( infinitiv ), forma a-II-a ( Past Tense ) si forma a-III-a,  (Past Participle Tense).

De asemeni, trebuie sa stim ca verbele in limba engleza sunt de 2 feluri : verbe regulate si verbe neregulate.

Mai jos aveti cateva exemple de verbe din ambele categorii.

                          VERBE REGULATE ( REGULAR VERBS)

 INFINITIVE ( I)                    PAST (II )                      PAST PARTICIPLE ( III )

 To start ( a porni,a incepe)       started                               started

  to shout (a striga)                     shouted                               shouted

  to dance                                    danced                                danced

  to clean ( a curata)                    cleaned                               cleaned

to laugh ( a rade )                        laughed                            laughed


                               VERBE NEREGULATE ( IRREGULAR   VERBS)

 INFINITIVE ( I)                    PAST (II )                      PAST PARTICIPLE ( III 

to win                             won                                won

to sell                            sold                                 sold

to go                              went                                 gone

to come                         came                                come



Observati cum  aceste verbele nu au o regula pentru formele a doua si a treia . Tocmai de aceea ,se numesc VERBE NEREGULATE si se invata pe dinafara.

REGULA ( rule)

PREZENTUL SIMPLU AFIRMATIV se formeaza cu forma I a verbului de conjugat, cu precizarea ca, la persoana a III-a singular ( he, she, it ) , se adauga terminatia "s " la verb.


 ADVERBE care cer  Present Simple :
